

Fun Making Pickled Guavas
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Fun Making Pickled Guava
1. Materials for Pickled Guavas:
guavas, salt, plum powder
2. Process of making pickle guavas:
  When we got to the classroom this morning, we took out the guavas from refrigerator and washed them carefully. Then, the teacher taught us how to scoop out the heads and butts of the fruits, and to put proper amount of salt together with the fruits into nylon bags. Next, we started to shake them up and down. After the fruit skins were scratched, we soaked these guavas in warm water to get rid of the salt. Finally, we took them out, added some plum powder, and shook them a little bit---the job was done!
3. Tips & Share:
a. Before you wash the guavas, the heads and the butts have to be removed, for these parts are not clean.
b. If the bags turn green when you are shaking them, it means the step is finished.
c. If you prefer sweet taste, add more plum powder; if you prefer salty, add it a little.
d. It is more flavorful if you wait a few hours, for the salt will spread thoroughly.
4. What we have learned:
  Thanks to this activity, we not only learned how to make pickled guavas, but also had the chance to taste the delicious and healthy food. Pickled guava is the best combination of sugar, salt, and guava, but it is a pity that our handmade pickled fruits were not that good today. Nowadays, there are many ways to make pickled guava, mostly by machine, no doubt. But the way like we were doing this morning is simple and easy, and the taste was not worse than the products at stores. We did learn a great deal from this activity!