

Motivation for the Hunt
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Parents’ occupations around the school area:
  Most of the parents in this school district engage in occupations such as making footwear, and selling or planting guavas.
Industry Development in the committee:
  Situated close to guava gardens, rice fields, within 15-minute radius, our school is also close to sock factories, footwear stores, and SOHO Sock Tourist Factory.
News & reports by media:
  Lately, Shetou Local Council, Farmers’ Association, and government institutions in Zhanghua County are all aiming to promote the individuality of local industry. Footwear, guavas, and pineapple related products often make the news, and that makes us little explorers more interested.
Learning from School Curriculum Activity:
  Shetou Local Council cooperates with our school to enrich the content of our curriculum by adding courses on the recognition of rice culture when we reach fifth grade. We learn rice growing related knowledge. The new course Farming Life (農入生活) for this semester really helps us to get to know more about the agricultural products in our own country –Zhanghua County.
Food Safety Scandals :
  In recent years, reports on contaminated foods and additives keep pouring in, making us more eager to know the procedure of turning fresh guavas and pineapples into foods such as pineapple cakes, pickled guavas, and guava jam. We are even more eager to learn to make them on our own.

  Shetou Town is our hometown. We know our way around it, and because of the four points stated above, we decided to go deeper into our hometown’s special local products as little explorers.
